A cleaner way to stay connected.

The datacom and telecom industries are making a shift toward greener, smarter initiatives that promise great cost efficiencies with a smaller carbon footprint. With the proliferation of devices, smart phones and the Internet of Things, datacom and telecom provides are facing ever-growing demands on their infrastructure. Now more than ever, mission-critical networks must stay up, running and available at all times.

We provide the clean-power alternative to support datacom and telecom sustainability initiatives, while delivering the reliable power and performance to minimize disruptions. Our parent company, APSI, has been partnering with leading datacom and telecom companies for over 20 years. Drawing on this proven experience and expertise, our lithium ion battery systems and beta sites maximize the advantages of clean energy with reliable backup systems.


Smaller Battery systems, Longer Service Life

Our lithium ion battery systems offer more energy density in a compact, lightweight battery that deliver a longer service life over multiple cycles. This reduces the need to replace battery systems as frequently.

Fuel-Related Cost Savings

With our lithium ion battery systems, providers can reduce their reliance on expensive diesel and fuel-powered backup systems — reducing their costs and pollution in the process.

Durable Design

Our lithium ion battery systems are engineered to withstand extreme heat, cold and weather to provide continual back-up system performance in harsh conditions.

Less Pollution

Our lithium ion battery systems produce zero emissions, use no toxic chemicals, and reduce noise — supporting a cleaner environment.

Greater Insight

Our Battery Management System (BMS) provides analytics across a range of metrics, including backup time, battery life expectancy, charging/discharging control, and temperature and voltage sensors for safety. Our BMS also allows for remote management and diagnostics.

Lithium Ion Beta Sites

With 10 strategic locations across Orange County, CA, our Lithium Ion Beta sites help telecom and datacom providers reduce energy consumption as well as maintenance costs.

Visit APSI's Products page to learn more about our products.